Cancellation Policy
We do everything we can to provide the best possible service to all our clients. We would love to heal the world, but unfortunately we only have 24 hours in the day, like everyone else! When a client fails to make their appointment, or cancels at the last minute, that time slot is wasted and another client can’t get in the door, potentially one that really needed some work done that day.
Given this fact, we require a twenty-four hour cancellation notice. If a client cancels without sufficient notice, we request that $35.00 be paid regardless. We charge full price for a no show, no call. This fee must be paid before further appointments can be made.
If you arrive within the first 15 minutes of your appointment, please understand that your late arrival will require that we end the session at the scheduled time, which means your session will unfortunately be shorter. However, you are still responsible for the full amount of the session scheduled as your appointment time has been reserved for you and there are other clients scheduled after your time. Late arrivals of more than 15 minutes past your scheduled time will result in a "No Show" and you will have to reschedule. Please see above for our "No Show" policy.
Also, gift certificates and coupons are voided by failing to make your appointment or cancel with sufficient notice. Of course we understand that life is complicated. In the event of reasonable unexpected life events, or illness, we will waive this policy. This is at the discretion of the scheduled therapist. Please call, we want to work with you. This policy is only in place to encourage common courtesy.
Please be respectful and considerate to your therapist and our other clients and plan accordingly in order to be on time. We ask that you arrive at least 5-10mins prior to your scheduled appointment. Thank you for your understanding.
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