The Sacrum is positioned anteriorly to the medial Iliacs and connected to them one side by muscle and tendon, the other ligament. There’s a lot of connective tissue joining the Iliacs posterior to the Sacrum plus a diamond fascial stress balancing and sharing area overlying all plus the lower Lumbar spine. Now that you have that in mind, picture doing sustained compression over the Sacrum while the client is prone. Wait for it, wait and after at least 45 seconds you’ll start to feel movement as the tissues allow, maintain this to soften the overlying diamond shaped fascia, the inter-Iliac fascia, the Sacral-Iliac ligaments and tendons. Depending on how often this area gets released, this can take a few minutes. Now to add in the Iliac movement. You can place fingers on the Iliac Crest, the hand pressing into the Gluteus Major and start to push it laterally, one side at a time. This will further release each fascial layer. Now you can push anteriorly with the Iliac hand and posteriorly with the Sacral hand. When released, reverse directions, but don’t push too hard superiorly on the Sacrum as this can compress the nerve outlets and disc which often can become challenged as one ages. If you feel restrictions superiorly or inferiorly along the Sacral-iliac border you can add to the traction by adding a rotation at your wrist of the Iliac hand. Remember, if nothing is happening, you’re putting too much effort into it, the fascia needs a gentle, constant challenge before allowing a little release, maintain that challenge and the fascia will continue to release. Any release is good, full release can take a while and be tiring for the therapist, so get into an ergonomically correct position first. There are two Iliacs, both Sacro-iliac joints will have to be released so pace yourself.

Paul Rice

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